Publications and reports issued in recent years suggest that degrading, cruel, inhuman and ill treatment, punishment, use of excessive force and disproportionate violence and torture in public facilities and spaces remain one of Turkey's burning and prevalent issues ... The most important element contributing to the continuity of torture and degrading / ill treatment is the phenomenon of impunity in the face of these crimes, both culturally adopted at social and personal level and entrenched at the level of official institutions in terms of customs and functioning. The most salient manifestations of degrading/ill treatment and torture are observed during protests, custody, detention processes and practices in prisons. On the other hand, it is known that there are similar dynamics, prevalent yet ignored, in daily life in many institutional spaces and facilities. Individuals may be exposed to degrading, inhuman treatment and punishment, use of excessive force and violence in many different public spaces from schools to hospitals, from orphanages to barracks.