In our previous issue, we gave the following explanation for why we had chosen to focus on the subject of political participation: “At a time when the meaning of politics has been narrowed to refer only to the election process, it is necessary to broaden our conception of...

Inventory Study on Adaptation of Syrian Refugees to Civil Life in Turkey
It can be said that an important pillar of civil society activities relating to refugees is to contribute to helping refugees overcome adaptation problems they face in their daily life. That was the point of departure of our publication "Inventory Study on Adaptation of Syrian Refugees to Civil Life in Turkey". We hope that this report, which presents the results of the field survey conducted by Emine Uçak Erdogan and Kemal Vural Tarlan, will provide a modest road map to the organizations working on the ground.
In addition to the report, we share with you a table that summarizes the findings of the study. As of October 2016, this study, aiming to identify the basic problems faced by Syrian refugees living in Turkey in different fields and the adequacy of responses to these problems and to visualize the results, was designed and put into practice as a preliminary step of an interactive platform expected to be developed collectively in the future.